Crypto Startup News News

DeFi Giant Uniswap Launches Self-Custodial Mobile Wallet


Leading decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Uniswap has launched its self-custodial, open-sourced mobile application. The mobile wallet allows users to swap tokens on multiple chains and also send and receive ERC20 assets.

The mobile app also helps users track their favorite NFTs and crypto projects and gives them information like market caps, price charts, and volume. The DEX made the announcement in a blog post on Friday.

Uniswap equipped the wallet with security features like face identification and a seed phrase. Users can also back up their security seeds manually or get them encrypted on iCloud.

Uniswap, earlier in the year, launched on BNB Chain after massive support from the community. The integration grew the total value lock(TVL) of Uniswap massively. 

Apple Refuses to List App on its Store

Uniswap, however, launched its mobile wallet in a limited early release. The exchange stated that it was due to Apple’s refusal to launch the application on its play store. Uniswap confirmed Apple didn’t communicate the reason for the denial, even though it was 100% compliant with specifications.

After waiting months without Apple’s positive response, Uniswap decided to launch the wallet in its internal Testflight app. The Testflight space only allows for a maximum of 10,000 users without Apple’s

Uniswap will start sharing access codes across different platforms and countries today. This is to get a diverse group of users up to the maximum number while waiting for Apple to approve the wallet.

Uniswap will Give Early Access to ETHDenver.

According to the blog post, the popular DeFi platform will give early access to the ETHDenver community. The EthereumDenver is a community-owned innovation festival. It is known to be the largest crypto community event that is held every year in Denver, USA.

Uniswap also confirmed it is making efforts to bring the wallet to other platforms. Platforms like Android cannot access the wallet at the moment.
