Beginner Guides

Employed in Crypto? How To Stay Productive While Working From Home

Productive Work from Home Crypto

One of the core benefits of building a digital business such as a cryptocurrency startup is that employees can work from home while also saving money that would usually be spent on hiring a physical office.

Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of the world’s leading crypto exchange, Binance, once said:

There are misconceptions some people have on how the world must work a certain way, you must have offices, HQ, etc. Binance has always operated in a decentralized manner […] As well as pushing the envelope in experimenting on how to become a true DAO (decentralized autonomous organization)

Despite the promise of freedom, it can be pretty difficult to stay productive while working from home, especially in a busy industry like crypto where there’s always a new development by the hour.

Whether or not you’ve worked from home before, you can recognize that there are some distinct advantages as well as some unique drawbacks. Here’s a quick overview of how you can stay productive and connected while you’re working from home.

How To Stay Productive While Working From Home

  • Stay Easily Accessible by Phone

When you’re not in an office where people can touch base with you, it’s important to be just as accessible when you’re working at home. Get a business phone number that you can forward to your cell phone. Make sure to minimize background noise going on in your home as much as possible.

Use your earpiece or wireless headphones to be able to keep both hands free when you’re on calls at home.  Use Telegram to have chats and exchange messages with people in real-time.

  • Use Twitter Wisely

Crypto Twitter is evidently the best place to be on if you want to stay updated with everything happening in the industry. At the same time, spending all your time to reply to every Twitter update on your feed can make you less productive.

Therefore, it can be best to choose beforehand, how many minutes or hours you’d devote to CT daily, and then stick with it. To help you stick with your plan, do well to turn off notifications on your Twitter app, except you’re working for a crypto news media and need it to stay updated.

  • Use Apps to Stay Connected As a Team

Don’t rely on just phone and email to stay connected with people. Apps can help you stay in contact with people and exchange information in real-time.

Using messaging mediums such as Google or Slack is a great way to connect with people in a format in which you can have productive and private conversations.

Whatsapp can be a useful tool for starting a group conversation when you want to communicate with several different people about the same topic or work together on a project. For instance, most crypto startups maintain a group conversation where team members can find regular updates.

  • Keep Your Workspace Clean

If you’re not typically neat at home, you should consider putting some extra effort into keeping your work area neat and orderly.

There’s a difference between clean and neat. Keeping an area clean means not letting it get dirty but keeping and area neat means having a place where you store all of your items and avoiding excessive clutter and a disorganized look.

When your surroundings are orderly, it will be easier for you to feel organized about the work that you’re doing and it staying focused on work will seem a little simpler.

  • Prevent Distraction Proactively

When you’re working at home, it’s easy to get caught up in other things besides work. Parents of young kids at home know that some distractions can’t be avoided.

However, to the extent that you can, it’s important to minimize the effect of distractions that you can control. Avoid taking personal calls when you’re busy working, or if you have to take a call, limit it to a couple of minutes. Don’t keep your television on, because you’ll inevitably take your eyes off of what you’re doing.

Final Words

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has made it almost compulsory that everyone including those working for crypto startups must work from home at least for the meantime.

Thus, it would be better to learn how to maximize your productivity and stay in the loop by applying the suggestions in this article. Then, when the epidemic is finally over, you would be set to work remotely irrespective of the job.
