“Banksters Paradise” Song by Renegade Investor Got Bitcoin OGs Revving

    A new Bitcoin song, “Banksters Paradise,” a parody of Coolio’s “Gangsters Paradise” has captured the hearts of original Bitcoin gangsters like Jimmy Song, providing a reminder of the core principles behind the cryptocurrency at a time when people are walking in the “shadow of debt.” Renegade Investor’s Banksters Paradise released on July 7, tells the ... Read more

    Wilfred Michael

    Author by

    Wilfred Michael

    Updated Apr 24, 2024 12:54 PM GMT+0
    “Banksters Paradise” Song by Renegade Investor Got Bitcoin OGs Revving

    A new Bitcoin song, “Banksters Paradise,” a parody of Coolio’s “Gangsters Paradise” has captured the hearts of original Bitcoin gangsters like Jimmy Song, providing a reminder of the core principles behind the cryptocurrency at a time when people are walking in the “shadow of debt.”

    Renegade Investor’s Banksters Paradise released on July 7, tells the story of the declining financial system with brief cameos of Mark Keiser, and Twitter user, IamTheCharacter speaking to protesters.

    The song begins with a clip of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Neel Kashkari’s now bitcoin-famous statement on CBS Television’s 60 Minutes, that the apex bank can “flood the system with money, and there’s no end to their ability to do so.”

    People’s wealth and “savings going up in smoke” is highlighted as the effect of bankers printing and inflating so long, with “normies” literally having no way to exit the system. Instead, those who “deserve it” continue spending most of their lives living in a figurative “Banksters paradise,” while only banks and Wall Street institutions get bailed out in the event of economic crisis.

    The Bitcoin Paradise

    The ability to live in a “stateless and bankless” system is then portrayed as the “Bitcoin Paradise.” In the different paradise where “everyone’s gotta learn, and Satoshi’s here to teach,” there is also the “HODL team” with the belief that “moon” is just a heartbeat away.

    “What’s destroying the world is fiat currency […] Bitcoin is here to save humanity,” the song’s final bridge outlines, and then concludes with a rioting clip of IamTheCharacter urging people to start learning about the new financial system powered by Bitcoin.

    The account that hosts the song told Coinfomania that they got into Bitcoin in 2013, and has since created multiple contents and Bitcoin Hip Hop songs (including “Bigger than Fiat (Hip Hop – Dead Prez”), because “the natural dissidence tone suits the anti-establishment sentiment of Bitcoin.”

    The title of the latest song “Bankster Paradise”  also has been on the back burner, until COVID-19 happened, and with the populace witnessing “another round of secret bailouts and trillions being printed and handed out,” the timing was seemingly appropriate.

    “I made the video to highlight how [bailouts and inflation] affects the average person, and how empowering it is to get into Bitcoin and take control of your money and life and get out of the corrupt system that destroys the 99.9% at the expense of the 0.1% Banksters Paradise,” the account owner concluded.

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